Ocular anaesthetics


Amethocaine ,Benoxinate , Lignocaine ,Ophthaine ,Proxymetacaine ,


MinimsŪ Amethocaine

amethocaine hydrochloride 0.5%, 1.0% gtt.
(Alternative name: tetracaine)
Preservatives:-phenylmercuric nitrate 0.002%, MINIMS® none.
Category :- POM
Availability:- MINIMSŪ AMETHOCAINE 0.5% and 1.0%
Current optometric application/s (UK):- production of anaesthesia for optometric procedures.
Contraindication/s:- known hypersensitivity (allergy) to the drug or any ingredients of the preparation.
Special precaution/s:-systemic hypertension.
Adverse drug reaction/s:-epithelial and stromal keratitis if repeatedly used over a period of a few hours, and for this reason the preparation should not be overused.
Note:- generic amethocaine 1 % eyedrops have been available, but no current products are listed.


Minims® Benoxinate

oxybuprocaine 0.4% gtt.
Category :- POM
Availability:- MINIMS BENOXINATE 0.4% gtt, single dose units
Current optometric application/s (UK):- production of anaesthesia for optometric procedures.
Contraindication/s:- known hypersensitivity (allergy) to the drug or any ingredients of the preparation.
Special precaution/s:-systemic hypertension.
Adverse drug reaction/s (ADR):- epithelial and stromal keratitis if repeatedly used over a period of a few hours, and for this reason the preparation should not be overused.


Minims® Lignocaine

Gtt lignocaine hydrochloride 4%, fluorescien sodium 0.25%
Preservatives:- none.
Category :- POM
Availability:- MINIMS LIGNOCAINE 4.0% gtt
Current optometric application/s (UK):- production of anaesthesia for optometric procedures.
Contraindication/s:- known hypersensitivity (allergy) to the drug or any ingredients of the preparation.
Special precaution/s:- systemic hypertension.
Adverse drug reaction (ADR):- epithelial and stromal keratitis if repeatedly used over a period of a few hours, and for this reason the preparation should not be overused.
Note: - a combination product with fluorescein is also available - see dyes and stains.

Minims® Proxymetacaine

proxymetacaine 0.5 % gtt
(alternative name - proparacaine)
Category :- POM
Availability:- MINIMS PROXYMETACAINE 0.5% gtt, single dose units
Current optometric application/s (UK):- production of anaesthesia for optometric procedures.
Contraindication/s:- known hypersensitivity (allergy) to the drug or any ingredients of the preparation Special precaution/s:-systemic hypertension.
Adverse drug reaction/s (ADR):- epithelial and stromal keratitis if repeatedly used over a period of a few hours, and for this reason the preparation should not be overused.
Note: - a combination product with fluorescein is also available - see dyes and stains.



proxymetacaine hydrochloride 0.5% gtt.
Category :- POM
Discontinued 1999

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