Anti-bacterial agents


Aminoglycoside containing products:-

Cidomycin , Garamycin , Genticin , Minims Gentamicin
Minims Neomycin , Soframycin
Cell Membrane Anti-infective products:-

Neosporin , Polyfax , Polytrim
Chloramphenicol containing products:-
Chloromycetin , Sno Phenicol
Fluoroquinolone containing products:-

Ciloxan , Exocin , Okacyn
Fusidic Acid containing products:-

Propamidine containing products:-
Brolene , Golden Eye
Tetracycline containing products:-


General notes on the use of ophthalmic antibacterial products

When signs of infection develop, any contact lens wear should be discontinued and not restarted until all evidence of infection and concurrent inflammation have subsided.

Special uses, especially for unit dose and preservative-free antibacterial eyedrops, is for prophylaxis of bacterial eye infections when a bandage contact lens is being worn, but concurrent use of antibacterial eyedrops and contact lenses should be restricted to this special use.

All antibacterial eyedrops currently in use have a tendency to cause transient irritation on instillation; in some patients this may sufficient to cause a period of reflex lacrimation that may blur vision (and appropriate advice on being careful about driving etc immediately after use of such products may need to be given) the use of any ophthalmic ointment or gel may result in a temporary reduction in vision (and advice on being careful about driving etc immediately after use of such products may be appropriate) all ophthalmic antibacterial products should be discarded after a maximum 28 days of use


Aureomycin® Ointment

chlortetracycline hydrochloride 1.0% in white petrolatum jelly, liquid paraffin with anhydrous lanolin.
Preservatives:- none listed.
Indications for use:- general bacterial infections of the eye unresponsive to other antibacterials; special use in recurrent blepharitis and inclusion conjunctivitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- AUREOMYCIN 1.0% ung, 3.5 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- limit use in pregnancy and if breast feeding, and in children under the age of 8 years; limit direct sunlight exposure as photosensitivity can develop. (See comments.)
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction (discontinue immediately); eyelid skin and periocular skin can become stained yellow with extended use (but will resolve after use is discontinued).


Brolene® Eyedrops

propamidine isethionate 0.1%.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis.
Category:- P
Availability:- BROLENE 0.1% gtt, 10 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- use for minor external eye conditions considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity)
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding; an eye examination should be arranged if there is not significant improvement in condition after two days of use.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- none listed, but allergic reaction is possible.
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances.


Brolene® Ointment

dibromopropamidine isethionate 0.15%.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride
Indications for use:- blepharitis.
Category:- P
Availability:- BROLENE ).15% ung, 5 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- use for minor external eye conditions (especially associated with the eyelid margins) considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity)
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding; an eye examination should be arranged if there is not significant improvement in condition after two days of use.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- none listed, but allergic reaction is possible.
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances.


Chloromycetin ® Eyedrops

chloramphenicol 0.5%.
Preservatives:- phenylmercuric acetate.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis.
Category:- POM
Availability:- CHLOROMYCETIN REDIDROPS 0.5% gtt, 5 or 10 ml bottle; store eyedrops at 2-8°C prior to use and protect from high light exposure.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- ):- use for minor to moderate external eye conditions considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity); see adverse drug reactions.
Special precaution/s:- avoid prolonged or repeated use in recurrent infections; limit or avoid use in pregnancy or if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- local allergic reaction (discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops); aplastic anaemia (exceedingly rare and likely only to occur with repeated use over an extended period of time. See also comments).
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances.


Chloromycetin ® Eye Ointment

chloramphenicol 0.5%.
Preservatives:- phenylmercuric acetate.
Indications for use:- bacterial blepharo-conjunctivitis.
Category:- POM
Availability:- CHLOROMYCETIN ung, 4 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- ):- use for minor external eye conditions (especially associated with the eyelid margins) considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- :- avoid prolonged or repeated use in recurrent infections; limit or avoid use in pregnancy or if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- local allergic reaction (discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops); aplastic anaemia (exceedingly rare and likely only to occur with repeated use over an extended period of time. See also comments).
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances.


Cidomycin® Eyedrops

sulphate 0.3% stabilised with sodium metabisulphite and EDTA.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride, disodium edetate (EDTA).
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- CIDOMYCIN 0.3% gtt, 8 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- :- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (neomycin, framycetin, see comments).
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding. (See comments.)
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction (request information on sulphite sensitivity); epitheliopathy - a mild keratitis can develop that could be attributed to gentamicin; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity or evidence of corneal epithelial toxicity develops, (see comments).


Cidomycin® Eye Ointment

discontinued December, 1998


Ciloxan® Eyedrops

ciprofloxacin 0.3%.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride
Indications for use :- bacterial keratitis, including corneal ulcers; general bacterial conjunctivitis unresponsive to chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides or fusidic acid.
Category :- POM
Availability:- CILOXAN 0.3% gtt, 5 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity); consider cross-sensitivity to other (fluoro)quinolone antibiotics.
Special precaution/s:-limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding; not recommended for children under the age of 1 year.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- ocular irritation concurrent with intra-palpebral precipitates; allergic reaction (arrangements should be made for prompt discontinuation of treatment if local hypersensitivity develops, and a replacement therapy started).


Exocin® Eyedrops

ofloxacin 0.3%.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride
Indications for use:- bacterial keratitis; general bacterial conjunctivitis unresponsive to chloramphenicol, aminoglycosides or fusidic acid.
Category :- POM
Availability:- EXOCIN gtt, 5 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity); consider cross-sensitivity to other (fluoro)quinolone antibiotics.
Special precaution/s:-limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- systemic effects (e.g. nausea, headache, dizziness); allergic reaction (arrangements should be made for prompt discontinuation of treatment if local hypersensitivity develops, and a replacement therapy started).


Fucithalmic® Viscous Eyedrops

fusidic acid 1.0% in Carbomer 940 and containing mannitol.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride.
Category :- POM
Availability:- FUCITHALMIC viscous gtt, 5 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- none listed.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- local allergic reaction (discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops).


Garamycin® Eyedrops

gentamicin sulphate 0.3%.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- GARAMYCIN 0.3% gtt, 10 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (neomycin, framycetin) (see comments).
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction; in some individuals, a mild keratitis can develop that could be attributed to gentamicin; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity or evidence of corneal epithelial toxicity develops(see comments).


Genticin® Eyedrops

gentamicin sulphate 0.3%.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- GENTICIN 0.3% gtt, 10 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- :- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (neomycin, framycetin). (see comments).
Special precaution/s:-limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction; epitheliopathy - in some individuals, a mild keratitis can develop that could be attributed to gentamicin; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity or evidence of corneal epithelial toxicity develops (see comments).


Golden Eye® Drops

propamidine isethionate gtt 0.1%
Preservatives:- gtt.benzalkonium chloride.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis.
Category:- P
Availability:- GOLDEN EYE gtt, 10 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- use for minor external eye conditions considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection.
Contraindication/s:- known allegy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding; an eye examination should be arranged if there is not significant improvement in condition after two days of use.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- none listed, but allergic reaction possible.
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances.


Golden Eye® Ointment

dibromopropamidine isethionate 0.15% in liquid paraffin and Plastibase 30W.
Preservatives:- none listed.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis.
Category:- P
Availability:- GOLDEN EYE ung, 5 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- ):- use for minor external eye conditions (especially associated with the eyelid margins) considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection.
Contraindication/s:- known allegy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- :- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding; an eye examination should be arranged if there is not significant improvement in condition after two days of use.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- none listed, but allergic reaction possible.
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances.


Minims® Chloramphenicol

chloramphenicol 0.5% gtt single dose units.
Preservatives:- none.
Category:- POM
Availability:- MINIMS CHLORAMPHENICOL 0.5%; store product at 2 - 8 °C and protect from high lighting levels
Current optometric application/s (UK):- prophylactic use following optometric procedure.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- avoid prolonged or repeated use in recurrent infections; limit or avoid use in pregnancy or if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- local allergic reaction (discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops); aplastic anaemia (exceedingly rare and likely only to occur with repeated use over an extended period of time).
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances.


Minims® Gentamicin Eyedrops

gentamicin sulphate 0.3%.
Preservatives:- none.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- MINIMS GENTAMICIN unit dose.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (neomycin, framycetin).
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction; epitheliopathy - in some individuals, a mild keratitis can develop that could be attributed to gentamicin; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity or evidence of corneal epithelial toxicity develops


Minims® Neomycin Eyedrops

neomycin sulphate 0.5%.
Preservatives:- None.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- MINIMS NEOMYCIN 0.5% unit dose.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (gentamicin, framycetin); discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity or evidence of corneal epithelial toxicity develops.
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy and if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops


Neosporin® Eyedrops

polymyxin B sulphate 5,000 units, neomycin sulphate 1,700 units, gramicidin 25 units/ml, and also containing propylene glycol and Poloxamer 188.
Preservatives:- thiomersal.
Indications for use: - bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis; prophylactic use following ocular surgery or foreign body removal.
Category :- POM
Availability:- NEOSPORIN gtt, 5 ml bottle; protect from high light exposure
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (gentamicin, framycetin); use in infants under age of 2 years Special precaution/s:- not for use in perforating corneal or conjunctival wounds; use in pregnancy or if breast feeding not recommended.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops
Comment/s:- Polymyxin Neomycin


OkacynŽ Eyedrops

lomefloxacin 0.3%
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride
Indications for use:- acute (moderate-to-severe) bacterial conjunctivitis (especially if considered unresponsive to chloramphenicol or aminoglycosides)
Category :- POM
Availability:- OKACYN gtt, 5 ml bottle.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity); consider cross-sensitivity to other (fluoro)quinolone antibiotics.
Special precaution/s:- use in pregnancy and if breast feeding not recommended.


Polyfax® Eye Ointment

polymyxin 10,000 units and bacitracin 500 units in white petrolatum USP.
Preservatives:- none listed.
Indications for use: - bacterial conjunctivitis, blepharitis, styes, prophylactic use following ocular surgery or foreign body removal.
Category:- POM
Availability:- POLYFAX ung, 4 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):-none
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- limit use in pregnancy and if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction


Polytrim® Eyedrops

trimethoprim 1 mg, polymyxin B sulphate 10,000 units per ml.
Preservatives:- thimerosal 0.005%
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis and keratitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- POLYTRIM gtt, 5 ml bottle; protect from excessive light levels
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- not for use in infants under 2 months of age - not for prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum; limit use in pregnancy or if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction.


Polytrim® Eye Ointment

trimethoprim 5 mg, polymyxin B sulphate 10,000 units per gram in anhydrous soft paraffin
Preservatives:- none listed.
Category :- POM
Availability:- POLYTRIM gtt, 5 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- none.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- not for use in infants under 2 months of age - not for prophylaxis of ophthalmia neonatorum; limit use in pregnancy or if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction


Sno Phenicol® Eyedrops

chloramphenicol 0.5%, with polyvinyl alcohol
Preservatives:- chlorhexidine acetate.
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis.
Category :- POM
Availability:- SNO PHENICOL 0.5% gtt, 10 ml bottle; store eyedrops at 2 - 8 °C prior to use
Current optometric application/s (UK):- prophylactic use for minor eye conditions considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection.
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity).
Special precaution/s:- avoid prolonged or repeated use in recurrent infections; limit or avoid use in pregnancy or if breast feeding; use half adult dose in children
Adverse drug reaction/s:- local allergy; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops; aplastic anaemia (exceedingly rare and likely only to occur with repeated use over an extended period of time).
Special notes: - may be used on patients and supplied to a patient by optometrists under appropriate circumstances


Soframycin® Eyedrops

framycetin sulphate 0.5%.
Preservatives:- benzalkonium chloride
Indications for use:- bacterial conjunctivitis, blepharitis, styes,
Category :- POM
Availability:- SOFRAMYCIN 0.5% gtt, 10 ml bottle; protect from high light exposure
Current optometric application/s (UK):- for prophylactic use for minor to moderate external eye conditions considered at risk for bacterial infections, or showing signs of infection
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (gentamcin, neomycin)
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy or if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergic reaction; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops
Special notes :- listed for USE ONLY by optometrists (i.e. cannot be supplied to a patient for their use).
Comment/s:- :-


Soframycin® Eye Ointment

framycetin sulphate 0.5%.
Preservatives:- none listed
Indications for use:- conjunctivitis, blepharitis, styes.
Category :- POM
Availability:- SOFRAMYCIN 0.5% ung, 5 g tube.
Current optometric application/s (UK):- for prophylactic use for minor external eye conditions (especially associated with the eyelid margins) considered at risk for bacterial infections or showing signs of infection
Contraindication/s:- known allergy (sensitivity) - consider possible cross allergy to other aminoglycosides (gentamicin, neomycin)
Special precaution/s:- limit or avoid use in pregnancy or if breast feeding.
Adverse drug reaction/s:- allergy; discontinue immediately if local hypersensitivity develops.
Special notes :- listed for USE ONLY by optometrists (i.e. cannot be supplied to a patient for their use).
Comment/s:- :-


Tobralex® Eyedrops

tobramycin - UK manufacture discontinued August 1997.
This file last updated